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Optimizing Performance in Fee-For-Service and Value-Based Care

From proactive patient engagement to resource optimization, we're here to ensure every step of the healthcare process is efficient, patient-centric, and optimized for exceptional financial and clinical outcomes.

Patient Prioritization & Visit Growth

With limited provider capacity, HealthHelper helps prioritize appointments to enhance healthcare access and quality. Through technology-driven solutions, we help patients access healthcare services - particularly for those most in need.

High Value Appointments

​High-Value Appointments

We identify appointments that hold higher clinical significance, such as follow-ups, preventive care visits, or screenings. These appointments are given priority to address medical risks promptly.

Provider Availability

Provider Availability

We match patients with available provider slots based on their clinical requirements and payor contract incentives. By aligning patient needs with provider availability, we optimize appointment scheduling and reduce unnecessary delays.

Optimized Schedules

Optimized Schedules

By leveraging technology and intelligent scheduling strategies, HealthHelper empowers providers to offer timely, high-quality care while efficiently managing their schedules.

How does our patient prioritization strategy drive value?

Outreach Staffing Cost Savings

No more wasted time working innacurate gap lists. Our Care Outreach Coordinators take this work off your plate and complete it more efficently and effectively. Let's dive into how they make a significant impact and drive cost reduction.

Lightening Administrative Load

Lightening the Administrative Load

By handling administrative tasks, our Coordinators liberate clinical staff to focus on patient care. This reduces staffing costs and amps up operational efficiency.

Streamline Resources

Streamlining Resource Allocation

Coordinators fine-tune provider schedules, eliminating appointment gaps, and making every resource count.

Care Coordination

Making Care Coordination More Efficient

Leverging technology and best practice care coordination workflows, our care coordinators close more gaps for less cost and headaches.

How do we achieve cost savings?

Downstream Retention

Patients will always require care outside of your office. HealthHelper helps keep care in network with your preferred specialists and facilities.

High Revenue Services

Retains High Revenue Services

Downstream care such as imaging and procedures is reimbursed at a high rate, driving increased revenue.

Care Coordination Improvement

Improves Care Coordination

Retaining care leads to better care coordination, ultimately preventing future unnecessary complications.

Patient Churn

Reduces Patient Churn

Coordinating with your specialists ensures that follow up care comes back to your practice, reducing patient churn.

How does downstream retention drive value?

Quality Improvement

Elevating quality metrics isn't just about better care; it's a smart business strategy. It's the key to unlocking financial bonuses in payor contracts, ensuring we meet quality thresholds for shared savings arrangements, and, most importantly, leaving patients happy.

Quality Bonus

Quality Bonuses

Improving quality metrics enhances payor contract performance, delivering financial bonuses at the end of the year.

Meeting Savings Thresholds

Meeting Savings Thresholds

De-risk concerns of not meeting quality thresholds that are required for participating in saved-sharing arrangements.

Patient Retention

Patient Retention & Growth

Enhancing quality metrics creates happy patients and drives practice growth through better patient retention and word-of-mouth marketing.

How does improving quality metrics deliver value?

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